Private ownership is key to Energy Company Obligation extension benefits

Electrically heated homes will be among the biggest winners, says Dimplex.

APHC to go on the road to run regional workshops

APHC team up with Baxi to host a series of free technical workshops across England and Wales.

CIPHE president visits new Fernox head office…

...and CIPHE approved training centre.

Reforms to the ECO…

…will be targeted at households struggling to pay their energy bills.

Energy efficiency specialist takes concerns over Bonfield Review to Downing Street

Peter Thom writes to the Prime Minister to express serious concerns.

The ECO consultation response will not help the right people

Elmhurst Energy expresses disappointment at the BEIS’ published response to the Help to Heat consultation.

OFTEC responds to home heating consultation…

...with two-step plan to cut carbon emissions.

North south divide threatens to wreck smart meter target

Lack of commitment among homeowners in the south may see the government miss ambitious target.

Gas Safety Certification Scheme launched on February 1…

...which will serve as a benchmark of best practice for Gas Safe registered businesses.

Baxi partners up with Expert Trades… help installers win more business and spend less time on paperwork.