CBI Brexit expert hired by BMF

Nicole Sykes, head of EU negotiations, to speak at Members Day.

Wise up on the smart future of heating

EUA Smart Connected Homes and Building event explores technological change.

The Heating and Renewables Roadshow back for 2015

Roadshow set to take place in Septemeber.

‘Reduce Energy Bills, Install Renewables’ events

DECC to host renewables roadshow.

HETAS Live! to hit the road

Industry body to go on tour.


A series of free events for those looking to expand their skill set.

‘Mind the performance gap’

Daikin UK to help engineers at Future Thinking seminars

Waxman Training Academy hosts HETAS Live!

Providing installers with advice regarding various industry standards and regulations

Tony Cable’s Farewell Tour

2016-17 series of TechTalk dates announced.