How to remain energy efficient in the freeze

These tips can help you stay warm and save money this winter
These tips can help you stay warm and save money this winter
These tips can help you stay warm and save money this winter
These tips can help you stay warm and save money this winter

As the UK deals with plummeting temperatures, HeatTrader has collated its top tips to make sure you remain energy efficient and keep the warmth inside during this cold spell.

Make sure you take full advantage of any sun
It may sound simple but make sure you keep your blinds, curtains and window coverings fully open to let any light in. This will ensure you naturally heat your home. Also make sure you close these at night to keep the warmth in and avoid any drafts.

Service your heating systems
Make sure you have your heating systems such as boilers and radiators serviced regularly. This will ensure your system is in great working condition when it comes to sub-zero temperatures like we’re having at the moment. Make sure you have this done professionally by your provider as the safety of your system as well as efficiency is just as important to keeping the warmth in your home.

Making sure you block any drafts
One of the biggest reasons for heat loss in the home is drafts below doors, above windows, gaps in plug sockets and piping. Make sure that you block any of these gaps with draft protectors. Another common way of losing heat in the home is leaving internal doors open and letting the heat escape.

Reduce heat loss from the Fireplace
Make sure you don’t lose any extra heat through your fireplace or chimney by blocking any gaps or drafts. You can do this by purchasing a fireguard to stop any unwanted drafts entering or heat leaving. Make sure your flue is closed if it’s operable and any doors on log burners and open fires are closed.

Lower your water heating costs
You can save a considerable amount of money during the winter months by just turning your water heater temperature down just a little bit. Changing your temperature just a tad say 10-20ºC can shave almost ten per cent off your bill and a quick way to keep costs down.

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