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Tag: Amber Rudd

Renewable heat support set to continue, says Chancellor

However UK still woefully behind on renewable heat targets

New UK energy policy does little to promote renewables

Energy Minister’s proposal criticised and government questioned over its plans for the technology.

Solar industry comments on admission that the UK is not on...

“The world is half way to dangerous climate change, the UK does not have a minute to waste to get its solar industry back on track,” says The STA

Government must be tough on subsidies, says energy secretary

In a speech to the Conservative Party Conference, Amber Rudd said she is "a proud green Conservative, on the side of the consumer"

Marketing spend during the 26-month Green Deal was just £6 million

Not one penny was spent between April 2015 and the scheme’s closure in July.

Controlling the cost of renewable energy

Renewable energy subsidies revised to ensure consumers are protected from higher energy bills.