HETAS highlights importance of clean dry woodfuel

HETAS has urged woodstove users about the importance of using only clean dry woodfuel to minimise particulate emissions.

New research commissioned by Global Action Plan (GAP) and undertaken by the National Air Quality Testing Services (NAQTS) has reported that household activities are causing findings of ultrafine particle pollution levels to be higher inside homes than outside, it said.

Bruce Allen, CEO of HETAS, added: ‘The findings published by GAP are due to a combination of indoor activities and outdoor pollution which travels inside. Wood burning has been highlighted as a contributing factor alongside other everyday tasks such as cooking. However, it’s important that users of wood burning stoves understand that there are simple steps they can take to significantly reduce particulate emissions.

‘One of the easiest things people can do to make a real difference is to ensure they only use clean dry wood that is clearly labelled under the Woodsure Ready to Burn scheme. Using high-quality woodfuel with a modern, cleaner burning stove is scientifically proven to achieve between 80 to 90% fewer particulate emissions, this is a 90% improvement to using an old open fire.

‘Regular maintenance is also key to keep any wood burning appliance running as safely and efficiently as possible, this includes chimney sweeping carried out by a HETAS Approved Chimney Sweep at least once a year depending on the appliance and the type of fuel being used. We also strongly advise against slumbering stoves for an extended period of time, such as through the night, as this can increase carbon monoxide and particulate levels.

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