Heat pump survey goes live

A 2020 Heat Pump Installer Survey has been launched this week to identity the actions, choices and attitudes behind the more successful heat pump installers.

The survey, found at www.theheatpumpsurvey.com takes around 7 minutes, also examines the relationships between installers and manufacturers and how these can be improved.

The study, being carried out by Texentric on behalf of TermoPlus heat pumps, will provide participants with access to the results when they are ready in Q1 2021.

“The next 30 years will be interesting times for the profession of heating, cooling and ventilation installers. The electrification of buildings, the road to zero emissions and even plus energy buildings and the impact of digitalization creates the need for modern skills. Knowing what drives installers to educate themselves has never been more important than today. Thus, the presented study needs all of our support,” said Thomas Nowak, secretary general of the European Heat Pump Association.

“Installers need better information to help guide their decisions now more than ever. Heat Pump installers share a lot of information in forums and groups like ours but there is little actionable information out there to help them make better decisions in shaping their business’s future,” added Amit Chaudhari, manager of the LinkedIn HVAC Design Engineers group.

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