Study reveals plumbers’ “ultimate” breakfast

The study, conducted by metals4U, asked over 500 tradespeople what their favourite items on a full English breakfast were.

The research revealed that 30% of UK plumbers chose mustard as their top condiment, 20% said they’d have gravy, and 10% chose traditional brown sauce.

Plumbers also proved to be the ultimate coffee drinkers; with 45% picking it as their breakfast drink of choice, more than any other trade.

Bacon was the runaway winner for the title of a plumber’s favourite breakfast item. However, this wasn’t the case when it came to their favourite breakfast sarnie; 45% chose sausage and 30% chose bacon.

The research found that 25% chose black pudding and 20% chose bubble and squeak. These choices were much more popular with plumbers than other trades.

A total of 85% are happy to go without poached eggs or tomatoes and 80% don’t believe hashbrowns are an important part of a traditional Full English.

Plumbers’ top 5 breakfast items are:

  1. Bacon, 65%
  2. Sausage, 55%
  3. Fried egg, 46%
  4. Fried bread, 45%
  5. Beans, 40%

Plumbers’ least favourite items include:

  1. Poached egg, 15%
  2. Tomatoes, 15%
  3. Hashbrowns, 20%
  4. Black pudding, 25%
  5. Toast, 35%

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