FPS search for driver of the year begins

Annual competition to find the finest tanker driver in the UK and Republic of Ireland underway.

@plumbcenterUK becomes @wolseleyUK

Builders’ merchant Wolseley has made another step forward in bringing together its heating, plumbing, drainage, mechanical and cooling specialisms by re-branding its Twitter feed to @wolseleyUK.

UK tradespeople struggle to recruit…

...due to a lack of focus on training.

Fire Angel launches ‘Check the Date’ campaign

Initiative designed to encourage homes throughout the UK to check their smoke alarms every year.

EOGB reminds heating engineers the importance of oil hose replacement…

...during their annual servicing.

Recognising success

Graham rewards colleagues and suppliers at annual conference.

Meet Matthew Sier…

...the future of British plumbing.

The Race to the Orient begins

Ideal Bathrooms launches its 2018 customer incentive.

Pump selection help at hand

BPMA launches online search facility.

Specflue launches Christmas appeal…

...to raise money for Crisis.