Gas installers still not showing their Gas Safe Card

Logic survey reveals half are not presenting it the homeowner.

The people have spoken

Time for the government to listen

Big Brew’s phone line helping to save lives

Texts about suicide have accounted for 30.4% of the messages to the Big Brew’s helpline since the service was launched this time last year

Lights, camera, action

Casting call as Worcester launches social search for face of new campaign.

Sporting heroes to give keynote address at BMF virtual conference

The Builders Merchants Federation has announced two sporting heroes, Olympic medallists Steve Backley OBE and Roger Black MBE, as keynote speakers for its virtual members conference on 17 September

Grohe adds to UK leadership team

Grohe has announced the appointment of Kristine Skauge as its new leader for the UK from this month

Travis Perkins’ and Northampton Saints’ Christmas Toy Collection returns

Travis Perkins has teamed up with Northampton Saints and the Northampton Saints Foundation to share donations from the club’s supporters and Travis Perkins’ colleagues and customers

Nearly a third of homeowners fear boiler breakdown this winter

GoCompare urges households to check their insurance for home emergency cover

LG arm on the move

National Self Build and Renovation Centre home to the Air Conditioning and Energy Solutions.

Grant UK calls on installers to #SnapThatHat

Following on from last winter’s #ShowUsYourSnood campaign that saw installers and merchants nationwide posing in branded snoods, Grant UK is giving away thousands of warm bobble hats with a new #SnapThatHat campaign