Honeywell goes on tour…

Honeywell on tour
Honeywell on tour
Honeywell on tour
Honeywell on tour

Honeywell is taking its team of experts on the road, and showcasing its full range of smart heating controls, electrical and security products at plumbing and electrical merchants across the UK until March 2017.

Visitors to any of the 78 events will be able to board the Honeywell exhibition vehicle and take a closer look at Honeywell’s range of smart solutions and products, including the recently launched Lyric T6 programmable thermostat and the Honeywell T4 range. The Honeywell team will also be on hand to answer questions, offer advice and demonstrate how to use each of the products.

An ‘install one, get one free’ offer will also be available exclusively to installers and electricians who purchase a Lyric T6 thermostat at the event.

The Honeywell vehicle will be touring from the January 16 until the March 17 so look out for posters with further information at your local plumbing or electrical merchant.

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