Why complicate the fixture and fittings issue with an in-roof kit...

Martyn Bridges - Director of Marketing & Technical Support at Worcester, Bosch Group

Has there been a change in the flexible SS flue liners...

Martyn Bridges, Director of Marketing and Technical Support at Worcester, Bosch Group

I need to replace part of an old clay land drain...

Steve Harris - Technical Services Engineer at Wavin

Why is it wrong to put a TRV in the same...

Martyn Bridges, Director of Marketing and Technical Support at Worcester, Bosch Group

Problematic gate valves

Steve Harris - Technical Services Engineer at Wavin

Can you tell me why the maximum distance for the D1...

Martyn Bridges, director of marketing and technical support at Worcester, Bosch Group

My Worcestor Greenstar R makes a continuous clicking noise. Do you...

Martyn Bridges, director of marketing and technical support at Worcester, Bosch Group

Is there any way to increase the water pressure in a...

Martyn Bridges, director of marketing and technical support at Worcester, Bosch Group

I’m losing water from my system via the feeder take and...

Martyn Bridges, director of marketing and technical support at Worcester, Bosch Group

When installing an air source heat pump outside a building, are...

Dave Lacey, commercial director in the UK and Ireland for Vaillant