UK ‘heat pump hotspots’ revealed

heat pump

New research by BOXT has revealed the regions in the UK with the most heat pumps, finding Scotland and Wales fully occupy the top 10.

BOXT analysed public interest in different types of energy efficiency solutions, the regions installing the most heat pumps, solar panels and EV chargers, the most popular energy-saving solution in each UK city and the government energy schemes people are most interested in to create a comprehensive energy trends report.

One in six households in the Outer Hebrides islands has had an air source heat pump installed in the last 10 years. The Scottish government stated that it has a Net Zero target of 2045 and aims to fulfil this (partly) by providing a £7,500 grant with the Home Energy Scotland Scheme for homeowners to install air source heat pumps. Data suggests these heat pumps are replacing oil heating systems, which are costly.

Air source heat pumps are also seeing a significant uptake in installations in the Scottish Orkney Islands, with almost one in 10 households receiving the energy-efficient upgrade in the last 10 years. Orkney is off the UK gas grid, therefore homes on the island mainly used oil-powered heating systems in the past. Since Scotland has a net zero target of 2045, many homes have switched to using air-source heat pumps for heating purposes.

According to a statement, Argyll and Bute is one of the Scottish local authorities leading the way with air source heat pump installations. Many domestic properties in the area have adopted heat pumps in the last 10 years, as many rural homes on the inhabited islands do not receive a gas supply.

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