Stiebel Eltron ranked in top 50 best places to work in UK 

Stiebel Eltron UK

Stiebel Eltron UK was ranked at 40 in Great Place to Work’s 100 Best Places to Work list with 98% of staff stating that it is a ‘great place to work’.

An award ceremony, held at London’s JW Marriott Grosvenor on March 14, celebrated the achievements of companies who had been listed in the top 100.

Great Place to Work is a global authority on workplace culture and uses employee surveys to help guide organisations in building a strong work environment.

Listed in the UK Small Business category, 100% of employees said Stiebel Eltron treated them fairly regardless of race or gender, gave them the resources to do their job, created a safe environment, and provided facilities for a good working environment.

Workers highlighted how they wanted long and established careers at the company, as well as how they are proud to work for the organisation.

Following an initial £350,000 investment into a new training centre and programme in November 2022, Stiebel Eltron expanded its facility in September last year to increase capacity for new heat pump installers.

Meanwhile, the company expanded its operations into the Irish market in February this year with a view to delivering renewable heating technologies and driving greener homes across the country.

Mark McManus, Stiebel Eltron UK’s managing director, said: “The secret to our success is the fantastic workforce who are the driving force behind everything we do. They are the ones who make Stiebel Eltron such a unique and special place to work. 

“At Stiebel Eltron we know how valuable they are and that’s why we do everything possible to develop a positive culture that allows them to thrive. So, seeing employees acknowledge this and how members of the team are proud to work for the company is wonderful. 

“Our employees are the foundation for everything we do, and a huge thank you goes out to them for their superb work and their fantastic attitude which makes Stiebel Eltron such a unique and special place to work.”

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