Self-employed plumbers increase earnings to offset cost of living crisis

Ian Anfield

Earnings for self-employed plumbers grew by 3.6% last month, according to Hudson Contract.

Analysis of the construction industry’s biggest payroll showed average weekly pay for plumbing subcontractors increased to £1,065 during May. Year on year, their earnings are up by 10.1%.

Ian Anfield, managing director of Hudson Contract, said: “None of our clients are telling us they are struggling for work but quite a few are telling us there are fewer tenders coming through the door. It could be a sign that a bit of the heat is coming out of the market in some parts of the country.

“For the last two or three years, the construction industry has been incredibly resilient in dealing with inflation linked to Brexit, the pandemic and problems in the Suez Canal blocking up the supply chain for materials. It’s a real shame that the government, which says construction is the foundation of the economy, has chosen to slap huge tax rises on the industry by ending the red diesel rebate and introducing a VAT reverse charge. Inflation is now big news because it is hitting households and it will be even bigger news if the tax rises start to impact housebuilders – the foundation of the economy can only carry so much.”

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